Luxotiq Classic Blue Glass Dildo

There is actually no material that can quite compare to the feeling of glass. Its cool, sleek surface feels amazing when used for penetration and requires very little lubricant. Glass also transmits temperature well, so it’s the perfect sex toy for cooling down or heating up for trying various sensations. Finally, although you might think glass would be too hard of a material for a sex toy, think again. Glass is very firm and hard and this actually works out for the best, as the G-spot responds best to firm sex toys, and some of the very best G-spot toys are made of glass. offers Don Wands glass sex toys, which are considered by most the best glass sex toys on the market today.

Glass sex toys
 are not only an adequate source of pleasure, but they are also one of the few types of sex toys that are aesthetically pleasing to look at. The manipulation of glass has long been an art form. Now, it has been combined with the concept of a dildo to create pretty, and pleasing, works of art. When you first think of a glass sex toy you might be thinking that they’re a bad idea because they’re fragile. Nothing could be further from the truth because, in reality, glass sex toys are actually very sturdy. They can also be used in ways that other vibrators or dildos cannot.

What sets aside glass sex toys from others is you can manually manipulate their temperature to create different sensations within your body. Glass sex toys can be heated up, for warmth; they can also be cooled down. Remember, these toys aren’t as fragile as you think they might be. They can stand the temperature changes.

In addition to being able to manipulate their temperature, glass sex toys are also easier to clean and take care of than other toys. The upkeep is simple and they’re easy to sterilize. Vibrators and dildos made of other materials, such as silicone, are more difficult to clean especially if you are using lubricant. You can use lubricant with your glass sex toy and not worry about having to spend too much time cleaning them later.

One of the nicest glass sex toys out there is the Luxotiq Blue Glass Dildo; it is the epitome of glass sex toys. The design is simple but pretty and it’s nice to look at it. More importantly, it is a quality product that has all the traits you would expect to find in a glass sex toy. The Luxotiq Blue Glass Dildo can be heated up, cooled down, used with or without lubricant, and is easy to clean. When you receive it, because it is a luxury product, the presentation is everything you would want it to be and more.

Some benefits to owning a glass sex toy, particularly the Luxotiq Blue Glass Dildo, is that it is a more discreet product in the world of adult novelties. Upon first glance, you might not even be sure what it is; it doesn’t scream the word ‘dildo’ at you like some other products do. This is a good thing, especially if you live with other people or have nosy guests over frequently. It can easily be mistaken for some kind of decorative novelty; no one has to know that it’s actually a sex toy.

Luxotiq is no stranger to luxury; their sex toys are some of the highest quality in the industry. The Blue Glass Dildo is an excellent example of a glass sex toy designed with the highest regard for quality.

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