Sexy Fireman Doll
One of the most interesting types of sex toys you can find today are actual inflatable sex dolls. They come in many different varieties, and are molded to fit individual fantasies. Usually, these inflatable sex dolls mimic the female body and are created with men in mind. However, it’s interested to note that there are inflatable sex dolls that take the male shape such as the Fireman Love Doll. Toys like this one obviously don’t appeal to everyone, rather to a particular sect of the people who are interested in adult sex toys. So, who would like toys like the Fireman Love Doll?
Inflatable sex dolls like the Fireman Love Doll appeal to either women or men who are interested in men. The Fireman Love Doll is a realistic looking inflatable sex doll with a sculpted face of a mannequin. It comes with a fire coat and hat that you can remove if you see fit, as well as a twelve inch penis. This is a great size for anyone who is looking into the male version of inflatable sex dolls and gives you unlimited options for play time in the bedroom.
Sometimes, people’s lives get so busy they don’t necessarily have time for romantic relationships with people and just want to have some fun on their own. With the Fireman Love Doll you can take masturbation to the next level without employing an actual second party. There is basically no closer substitute to a real person than inflatable sex dolls.
The Fireman Love Doll is made by California Exotics, one of the most popular adult sex toy companies and is local to, you guessed it, California. There are a ton of comparable toys on the market, but the Fireman Love Doll is truly a unique toy. There aren’t nearly as many male inflatable sex dolls as there are female ones. Beyond just individual alone time with the Fireman Love Doll, there are plenty of things you can do with it.
Often, people buy a variety of sex toys to have fun with and giggle at during bachelor or bachelorette parties. Imagine bringing the Fireman Love Doll to your best friend’s last night before they get married and the many laughs it will provide. You can even play a game with the Fireman Love Doll, or he can be dummy version of a male stripper just in case anyone has any problems with their significant other allowing a male stripper to come to the party. The possibilities are endless.
Inflatable sex dolls can be found on any popular adult sex toy website, but toys like the Fireman Love Doll aren’t nearly as popular as their female varieties. For someone who is looking for a male inflatable sex doll, for whatever reason, you pretty much won’t find a better product than the Fireman Love Doll.