Massage Candles

Massage candles are a unique alternative to the ever popular massage oils. Massage candles are also an excellent two for one deal as you get two things with massage candles. First, you get the candle. Light it up and let it burn for several minutes to enjoy the  scent during a romantic dinner, or during a relaxing bath. Then once the candle is extinguished, you can actually use the melted wax from the candle as a massage lotion. has many different scents of massage candles, all found below, and keep in mind as you peruse the selection that you are not just getting a candle but also a massage lotion. Your skin will feel amazingly refreshed and tingly once the wax is removed a completely different alternative to the usual massage oils that people generally go for. Massage candles will fill the room with a divine scent and are great for couples, singles, and anybody looking to give an interesting gift for that special person in their life. Keep in mind that some of these candles below are edible as well!


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$9 — $169

Massage candles are a unique alternative to the ever popular massage oils. Massage candles are also an excellent two for one deal as you get two things with massage candles. First, you get the candle. Light it up and let it burn for several minutes to enjoy the  scent during a romantic dinner, or during a relaxing bath. Then once the candle is extinguished, you can actually use the melted wax from the candle as a massage lotion. has many different scents of massage candles, all found below, and keep in mind as you peruse the selection that you are not just getting a candle but also a massage lotion. Your skin will feel amazingly refreshed and tingly once the wax is removed a completely different alternative to the usual massage oils that people generally go for. Massage candles will fill the room with a divine scent and are great for couples, singles, and anybody looking to give an interesting gift for that special person in their life. Keep in mind that some of these candles below are edible as well!

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