Reflections Glass Vibrator
Glass sex toys come in many different shapes, sizes and colors; just like other types of sex toys such as dildos and vibrators. Beyond these variations however, there isn’t too much room for additional features. This is due to the fact that they are made out of glass and people operate under the misconception that glass is fragile. Though you might not have guessed it, glass sex toys are actually quite durable, and one brand in particular has been able to incorporate some of the features we see in other sex toys into glass sex toys. The outcome of this is glass sex toys such as the Reflections Peace Glass Vibrator.
The Reflections Peace Glass Vibrator is one of a few glass sex toys made by Doc Johnson that actually vibrate. There aren’t many of these types of toys on the market, but the Reflections Peace Glass Vibrator is actually a gem when it comes to adult sex toys. There is plenty you can do with it that you can’t with a regular dildo or vibrator without giving up the qualities that people love in those other toys. For instance, previously some might have forgone purchasing a glass sex toy because they would rather have one that vibrates; the Reflections Peace Glass Vibrator appease both needs without compromising the quality of the product.
Not only is the Reflections Peace Glass Vibrator made of glass, and vibrates, but it is also waterproof. This gives you the additional flexibility when it comes to deciding where you want to use your sex toys. When it comes to design, function is a crucial aspect; the location of where the toy will be used is something that determines whether or not your glass sex toys can be used in the bathtub/Jacuzzi in addition to in the bedroom. Plenty of sex toys aren’t waterproof thus limiting the owner’s ability to capitalize on its use.
Glass sex toys overall are quite aesthetically pleasing, more so than other sex toys. Whether or not you can consider design an art is debatable, but the manipulation of glass in beautiful shapes has long been considered an art form. The Reflections Peace Glass Vibrator is six inches long; a fairly standard length so that it can appeal to a broad demographic of consumers. In addition to its aesthetic qualities, you can also heat up or cool down glass sex toys. This means that you can further manipulate the sensations you get out of your toy by playing with the temperature of the glass. Again, not something you can with other dildos or vibrators and it still has the same features as these other toys do.
Why limit yourself? Glass sex toys like the Reflections Peace Glass Vibrator aren’t as common as others but they are just as good, if not better, sex toys. The Reflections Peace Glass Vibrator is waterproof, can vibrate, and can be heated or cooled to your liking. You won’t find all of these features on a regular dildo or vibrator, but you will find them in the Reflections Peace Glass Vibrator.